“Klaipėdos nafta” joined the Association
On 1st of January, 2021 AB “Klaipedos nafta” (further referred to as KN) became a member of the Lithuanian Shipowners’ Association. It is important for...
Transport workers to be included in the priority list
The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania has applied to the Ministry of Health with the request to amend the legislation...
The 2020 update of the ‘Economic Value of the EU Shipping Industry’ by Oxford Economics
“We are producing a more detailed version of this study, in view of the current challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said ECSA Secretary-General Martin...
Revision of the directive on maritime accident investigations
The European Commission plans to revise Directive 2009/18 / EC on maritime accident investigation investigations. The Commission is currently in the process of consulting the public....
2009 Hong Kong convention is still on its way
Today the Japanese Shipowners Association held a web seminar on the 2009 Hong Kong convention for ship recycling. No doubt, that the Convention would play...
Lithuanian seafarers voted in Parliament elections
Parliamentary elections were held in Lithuania on 11 and 25 October 2020 to elect the 141 members of the Parliament (Lith. – Seimas). Pursuant to...
A newborn on a sea ferry
A girl was born on Saturday morning on board the ferry operator DFDS ship “Regina Seaways” headed from Klaipeda to Kiel. This is the first...
Limarko extended its fleet
Limarko Shipping Company has acquired two reefer sister ships. The ships were flagged under the Lithuanian flag. The company’s fleet now consists of eight vessels:...
Study on social aspects within the maritime transport sector was released
Upon appointment by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) a consortium led by Coffey International Development conducted the study on the...
National Holiday
6th of July Lithuania celebrates State Day (Coronation of King Mindaugas of Lithuania and National Anthem). Lithuanian flags represent the Lithuanian state all over the...