Positive outcomes from remote meeting with the Ministry of Transport
Yesterday, in a remote meeting with the Lithuanian Maritime society, the Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Skuodis, stressed a need to set priorities of...
Lithuanian Maritime Academy arranges Seminar on Maritime law
Lithuanian Maritime Academy arranges a virtual seminar with researcher dr. Indre Isokaite-Valuže Vilnius University Faculty of Law discover the answers to the question “where did...
Sveikinimas prekybinio laivyno 100-mečio paminėjimo proga
Nors Klaipėdos krašto prijungimo prie Lietuvos istorinė data yra laikoma 1923 metų sausio 15 diena, tačiau Lietuvos jūrų laivyno pradžia istoriškai minima dar nuo 1921 metų...
11 March: Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania
Exhibition dedicated to 100th anniversary of Lithuanian merchant fleet opens
The Lithuanian Maritime Museum has opened an exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian merchant fleet in the open air. In the old...
100th Anniversary of the Lithuanian merchant fleet
This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian merchant fleet. On March 4, 1921, the first Lithuanian flagged ship “Jūratė” arrived at Klaipeda...
Future Support Fund of Klaipeda University officially starts its activities
9 business entities operating in Klaipėda region became the founders and shareholders of the Future Support Fund of Klaipėda University – „Western Shipyard”, „Limarko Shipping...
The validity of maritime documents has been extended
5th of February, 2021 the order Nr. 3-93 Vilnius Pursuant to the Law on Safe Shipping of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Merchant...
European Commission intends to include shipping into EU Emissions Trading System
The European Green Deal, adopted by the Commission in December 2019, has tackling climate change and reaching the objectives of the Paris Agreement and other...
EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement has been reached
On 24 December, a post-Brexit agreement between the EU and the UK was finally reached. The full text of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement...