Relatives of the famous shipbuilder P.Lindenau visit Klaipėda

In 1923, when Klaipėda became part of Lithuania, 35-year-old P.V.Lindenau was already a well-known local businessman, engineer, and shipbuilder. As early as 1918, he acquired the territory of the Klaipėda Ship Carpenters’ Cooperative Company and established a shipyard there. It was called Schiffswerft Memel Lindenau & Cie., Eizen – und Holzschiffbau, Maschinenfabrik und Giesserei. Mr. Lindenau himself was not just an owner or a profit-taker. He was at the same time the main designer and engineer of the factory. In autumn 1922, the first steel seagoing ship built in Klaipėda, the 69-meter-long steamship Cattaro, was launched at the P.V. Lindenau Shipyard. The ship was commissioned by the German shipping company “Hapag” from Hamburg.
Between 1923 and 1945, more than 80 different types of ships, floating docks, and harbour cranes were built at the P.V. Lindenau Shipyard. It was a pleasure to meet the Lindenau relatives and to thank them for their grandfather’s/ great-grandfather’s wonderful works, which undoubtedly enriched the city of Klaipeda.